Names of the dead: Sugar Bushes

This content was found in a binder in the Fire Museum.

List of the dead in the Sugar Bushes

Alschwager, Mrs. John (Minnie) and one infant child
Husband Charles and five children saved

Auest, Fred (Aust, Friederick—November 22, 1822 – October 8, 1871
Mays Corners Cemetery, now Marinette County, Wisconsin; wife saved

Aldis, William, wife and two children
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 17, 1871) were from Connecticut, visiting the family of Nathaniel May, which also perished

Mrs. Nepthallon May
was the sister of Mrs. Aldis

Boemer Casla and Caroline

Bruse, Mrs. August and three children: Sophia (born 1825), George (born 1863), Frederick (born 1860)
Buried in Mays Corner Cemetery, now Marinette County, Wisconsin. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871). Husband and two children saved, August, father, August Jr., Heinrich

Bell, Mrs. (Sharlott/Charlotte) William
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871). Husband William Bell and adopted child, William Louck, age 11, saved.

Birney, Caroline; lived with Chas. Chapman and family; burned

Bush, Charles, age 26; wife Katherine 33, and six children: James 14, John 11, George 7, Anna 6, Henry 4, and Harvey 2
(Milwaukee Sentinel Oct. 16, 1871)

Bosworth, Olive Phillips, with two children of John Taylor’s
(See son John Taylor and granddaughters Sarah and Alice Taylor perished; John’s wife Sylvia Phillips Taylor and daughter Mary Melissa Taylor survived. Contributed by descendant Laura D. Washabaugh); widow Olive Phillips Bosworth was living with son Alvah Phillips family but in fear refused to leave her spot beneath a tree and burned to death outside. The house and family inside were spared (contributed by descendant Linda Phillips Loser).

Bush, John, age 19, died one week after fire of burns
Lived and worked on neighboring farm of Charles Bush

Brackett, Augusta

Bartels, Miss Augusta
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871) was visiting her grandmother; of Peshtigo. Daughter of Capt. Fred J. Bartels.

Boerner, Mary (mother, age 39), William (age 13), Casta (age 9), Caroline (age 8), Fred Jr. (age 3)
The story that has been passed down through the years: my great-grandmother and one of her sisters survived the Peshtigo Fire by jumping in a well. My Grandmother was Mary (age 10) and her sister was Minnie (age 6). The family spells the name Boerner. I know that Fred moved to Minnesota and remarried. Both the girls married Wezenaar brothers and raised their families in Marinette County. It does state in Mary’s Boerner’s obit that she was a survivor of the Peshtigo Fire; I think everyone else did die within a year of the fire. Survivors were father Fred Boerner and daughters Mary, Minnie. Contributed by Becky Hammill-Berg.

Bohemaster, Henry, wife, and child
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Carrough, Fred, wife, and one child; also the father-in-law and mother-in-law
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871) 

Chapman, Charles, wife Betsey, and infant son; and hired man and girl
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Church, John (age 47), wife Lucinda (age 49), and three sons: Warren (age 19), Theodore (age 22) and ?
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871) Warren Church cut this throat rather than be burned; he was saved from the fire, then died from self-inflicted wound. Family was from New York.

Church, Phoebe
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Cook, Jacob E., wife, and three children
burned in root house

Cramer, Joseph, wife, and four children

Curtis, William, and daughter Martha burned in the well
Mrs. Eliza Curtis, his wife, was badly crippled by fire and remains so

Diedrich, Joseph (alias Bailey), wife, and three children
Enlisted in the 5th Wisconsin Infantry under the name of Bailey and drew a pension for wounds until he was burned. His wife was found dead, standing upright, leaning against the roots of a large tree.

Doyle, Patrick, wife, Mary, and seven children: Nelson 16, Lelia 11, Henry 5, John 3
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871) Only four children found on census. Family was known to have been upon their farm at the time of the fire. Nothing has been heard or seen of their remains since. Mrs. Doyle was a daughter of John Derryman of Mill Point, Michigan. Three of the children by her first husband, Ferguson.

Davis, Norman, wife Clara, and three children: Freddie 12, Loren 9, Charles 3. James Hays, a hired man, and a hired girl (name unknown) also burned.
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871) This family was burned in a well.

Drees (also Dress), Elizabeth, and son John, about age 4
Wife of Joseph Drees, who survived (contributed by Toni Ristau)

Duket, G (1828 – 1871)
Buried with Benjamin and Amelia (Emily) Duket in Harmony Cemetery, now in Marinette County, Wisconsin

Duckett (Duket, Ducatt, Ducket) Benjamin (1809 – 1871, wife Amelia (aka Emily, 1815 – 1871) and one child
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871) Living next door, son Thomas, his wife Ellen, and their children Eber, Joseph, Drummond, Benjamin, and infant William all survived. Buried in Harmony Cemetery, now in Marinette County.

Dunlap, William and adopted child

Duronso, John (1858 – 1871)
Buried in May Corners Cemetery, now in Marinette County

Eamer, Mrs. Mary Ann Burton, and daughter Mandy
Husband William, two sons, James and Philip, survived. Survivor descendants: Lily Worrall and Gail Hewlett. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Fagan, Mrs. (Jane 22) Martin and two children, Margaret 2 and infant
Husband saved. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Finch, Eben
Believed to have perished while visiting in the Peshtigo area. Age 74 years. Contributed by Lynn Davies

Fletcher, Mary, and Halsey, children of Lucius
Lucius Eaton Fletcher. Lucius served in the Civil War. He was a member of the Wisconsin 5th Cavalry Company H. He lost two children in the Peshtigo Fire. Fletcher, Lucius, wife Maryette Jacobs, children Cora, Oscar Leroy, Ernest E survived the fire. My grandfather Ernest Emery was born 1871 in Peshtigo. Contributed by John Fletcher. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Glass, Florabelle, and William, children of James
Obituary clipping from 1942, my G.G. Grandfather Albert Glass was a survivor. The clipping states that he was a survivor, his siblings Florabelle (age 13) and William (age 3) Glass, children of James Glass and the late Susan R. Glass (1837 – 1868) were killed in the fire. James Glass, his four children, Florabelle, Albert, Thomas, and William were all listed in the 1870 census, Grover, Marinette County, Wisconsin. Contributed by Gina Nelson. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Gregor, John, and wife

Halswafer, Mrs. died Oct. 30 from burns and acute bronchitis; also her son Charles who died four days after the fire

Hayes, Israel
Wife saved

Hayes, Henry Sr.
Buried at Mays Corners Cemetery, now Marinette County (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Hayes, James
Was a hired man and burned in the well with the Norman Davis family

Hayes, Rebecca F (1851 – 1871, wife of Henry Hayes Jr.), and infant son, Earl
Buried in Mays Corners Cemetery, now Marinette County (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Helms Charles J (1812 – Oct. 13, 1871, wife Fredrica S. (1818 – Oct. 8, 1871) and son Charlie (1859 – Oct. 8, 1871)
Mr. Helms traveled a long distance in the fire. The calves of his legs burned loose, dragging on the ground, held by cords. Was taken to the hospital in Marinette but soon died. Buried in Mays Corners Cemetery, now Marinette County (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Helm, John (died three days after fire of burns), wife, and child

Helnore, Morris
Parents S. John, wife Matilda Helnore, children Thor and Charles survived. The family was living in Peshtigo at the time of the fire (contributed by Tim Helnore)

Highmore, Mrs. Hiram, and six children

Hill, L. H., wife Abigail (nee Jackson) Cass-Hill, and her father Asa Jackson
Abigail was mother of survivor Asa Cass; L. H. Hill was step-father of Asa Cass. Buried in Harmony Cemetery, now in Marinette County. Researched and contributed by Linda Phillips Loser.

Hoyt, Charles E, wife, and one child

Hoyt, Enoch, wife Martha, and one daughter, Jessie 15
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Jackson, Harry, two-year-old child of E. A. (Ezra) and Eliza Jackson
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Jackson, John, left with the child named above
John was Harry’s uncle who lived with his brother Ezra and sister-in-law Elizabeth. Ezra was helping Eliza and infant daughter Carrie to escape and they survived.

Jackson, Asa
Age 79, living with L. H. Hill and wife who perished and her son Asa Cass who survived. Reported burned, remains not identified. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Kappus (Koppus), Catharine (wife of Chris), and two children
Husband Christian and three children saved. My great-grandfather Christian Koppus died months later from causes related to the fire. Contributed by Fran Koppus.

Kappas, Christian (husband of Catharine)
My great-grandfather Christian Koppus died months later from causes related to the fire. Contributed by Fran Koppus.

Karrow, Michael, and wife
Two children saved

Kelly, Terence/Terrance (1832 – 1871), and one child, Terresa/Theresa M, age 2 (Aug. 8, 1869 – Oct. 8, 1871)
Buried in Peshtigo Fire Cemetery. Wife and three children saved. Family contact: Paul Kelly (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Kiefer, Peter, wife, and two children
One saved. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

King, John, wife Sarah, and four children: George, June, Barbara, John Jr.
A daughter and son, Ann and James, away from home were saved. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

King, Robert, wife Mary, and three children: Charles, Shantell, Marvens
A daughter, Delia, absent from home, saved. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Kroesle, child – child of A. Kroesle
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Lafay, Joseph, and wife

Law, James
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Leach, Ann
Wife of Peter Leach

Leach, Lot, wife, and infant

Lemke (Lamp, Lamk, Lembk), Mrs. Charles/Fredricke (Dec. 29, 1833 – Oct. 8, 1871), and five children: Sophie (born Nov. 22, 1862), Caroline (born April 24, 1864), Emma (born July 4, 1866), Nettie (born March 24, 1867), Tina (born April 4, 1869)
Marker at Peshtigo Fire Cemetery. On a wagon, fleeing for safety when one of the horses fell; Charles got out to help him up and finally succeeded in doing so, and upon returning to the wagon found his family all dead. He finally reached a small brook nearby in which he lay until morning. When he returned, he found the remains of his family and wagon entirely consumed. Charles survived. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Leach family
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Leasure (Lasure), Julia (Mrs. Joseph Jr), age 33, and three children: John, age 11; Florence, age 9; Edwin, age 5
Husband saved. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Loucks, Lindsey, and wife
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Loucks, Nelson, wife Mary, and two children: Edgar, age 4; Jane, age 2
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Loyal (Loval), John
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Mac, Rose, and her children: Amos, Henry, and Minni Lou

May, Nathaniel, wife Hannah, and infant child
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

McMaan, Mrs. Silas (Maria), age 34
Husband Silas survived

McPearson, L. H. (Lucien H.)
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

McPearson, Mrs. Sally
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Meyers, William, and family
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Moore, Mrs. Hiram (Fanny, 1839 – 1871), and five children: John 13, Esther 11, Elizabeth 9, Ellenor 5, Fruman 2
Mr. Moore could not induce them to leave the house after it was enveloped in flames and barely escaped himself.

Myers, George (age 31), wife Anna (age 26)—both born in Baden—and four children: Joseph 5, Anna 3, Mary 2, infant
Died in town of Peshtigo

Newton, Ralph, age 8, and Lizzie (Elizabeth), age 5, children of Samuel and Helen Newton
Samuel and Helen Newton survived and remained in Peshtigo. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Newberry, Henry Sr (1799 – 1871)
Buried in Mays Corners Cemetery, now Marinette County. Wife Nancy, age 64, saved. She was away from village of Peshtigo visiting her daughter in Menominee, Michigan. Henry had come to Wisconsin 15 years before the fire. Out of a family of seventeen, twelve perished in the fire. Contributed by Bonnie Thayer, Newberry family descendant, great-granddaughter of William P. Newberry

Newberry, Charles O. (1839 – 1871), and two children: son Franklin (born 1864), daughter Jessie (born 1866)
Buried in Mays Corners Cemetery, now Marinette County. Son of  Henry Newberry Sr. Wife Joyce saved.

Newberry, Edward S (age 22), wife Selah F. (born 1851), and infant child
Sone of Henry Newberry Sr. Buried in Mays Corners Cemetery, now Marinette County.

Newberry, Louisa (born 1839)
Buried in Mays Corners Cemetery, now Marinette County

Newberry, Nellie (born 1867)
Buried in Mays Corners Cemetery, now Marinette County

Newberry, Walter B. (born 1834), wife, and three children
Son of Henry Newberry Sr. Buried in Mays Corners Cemetery, now Marinette County

Newberry, Walter (born 1869)
Buried in Mays Corners Cemetery, now Marinette County

Olson, Mrs. Nelson, and two children
Husband and two saved

Ouset, Fred, wife, and lady friend

Papp (Popp), William Jr, age 14
Living with Father William Sr, mother Mena, and brother Charles, age 12. The rest of the family has not been accounted for in future censuses. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Pratt, Alvin A., wife Margaret, and two children
Later printed that two were saved. Children in 1870 were John 17, Fannie 12, Susan 10. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Prestine, Mrs. Joaquin/Joseph (Fredrica), her daughter with husband and five children, and another daughter and husband with three children
Husband badly crippled

Perault (Perrane), Nelson, wife, and eight children, and a Frenchman with them could not be ascertained; Angelique Girard Burgoyne, age 61, widowed mother of Victoria with whom she made her home
Wife was Victoria Burgoin, also Burgoyne); children included adopted son Levi Haynes Perrane, born 1856; Edward Perrane, born 1860; Amelia Perrane, born 1864; Henry Perrane, born 1866; Adelia Perrane, born 1867; Lorraine Perrane, born 1868, Marie Perrane, born 1870; newborn twins (names unknown; found in mother’s arms); and Angelique Girard Burgoyne

Race, Martin (age 56), wife Almira (age 44), and two children: Charles, age 14, and Ida, age 9
Farmer in town of Peshtigo. Two children survived. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Reinhart, Mrs.

Seymour, Fred
Sone of Isaac J. and Charlotte; reported in Peshtigo list. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Soper, William
Sone of John and Aermes Souper. Aermes and brothers Norris, Charles, and Richard survived. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Sheponto, Peter

Smith, John Fritz, wife Victoria (both age 24), and two children: Katherine, age 1, and infant
Lived in town of Peshtigo (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Smith, Mrs., of Menasha
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Spear (Speer), Samuel H., age 36, wife Malina, age 27, and two children: Frank, age 5; George, age 2
Born in New York. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Segar, Lyman, wife Mary, and child Harriet, age 2
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Strinz, Charles

Tousley, Mr. C. R., two children
Mr. Tousley cut the throats of his two children and his own; all found dead

Taylor, John, and two daughters, Sarah and Alice; mother of John, Olive Bossworth, also perished
Wife Sylvia and one daughter, Mary Melissa, saved. Contributed by descendant Laura D. Washabaugh.

Utter, Mrs. John (Ada Elmire Phillips), and two children: John Utter Jr. and Eliza Ann
Husband saved. Ada was the daughter of Austin and Martha Phillips. Contributed by LInda Phillips Loser. (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Buried in Mays Corners Cemetery, now Marinette County

Vanderhoven, John

Wanikee, John
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Warnecke, John (born 1795)
Buried in Mays Corners Cemetery, now Marinette County

Wenzel, John Sr., and wife

Westfall, Charles, wife, and father
(Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)

Westfall Mr. (died two days after fire), wife, and son

Wienhart (Weinhart, Weinhardt), Philip, wife Elizabeth (Zeek), and five children
Four saved (Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 16, 1871)